the true you

a story about nothing

the true you - it's all just your ego, until you journey within to the true you

the truth is, you have it all within you — but ego doesn't want you to know that. to ego surrender means giving up. but to your true self, surrender means giving in and receiving all that you are.

the world of ego is always calling to you. will you listen? or will you ignore and only honour the truth within?

remember the love you think you are unable to unconditionally extend to another is just what you are withholding from yourself. because that love is what you already are, always. the story is what tells you otherwise

the true you is in there behind the fear. this is an invitation to journey back to true love. for true love is acceptance of what is. and the ego is a limit on the true you.

remember it's all just a dream, never real. so please go out there and just have FUN as you discover it's all just your ego until you journey within to the true you.

trust deeply all that you are, for you are absolutely perfect ♡