breathtaking simplicity
of a life led by love
this quiet love
there is such a quiet permeating love in the day to day. be careful with what you consume. it taints the simplicity of life, the ordinariness when you constantly consume a message of what “should” be that pulls you away from what is.
the irony of life is always wanting it to be NOW and so we use the now to chase these illusory futures. the “better” ones the ones we are sold.
in an endless pursuit of more than what simply is. the ordinary.
life is here in this moment, but when we listen to the minds narratives we get lost and pulled away from what’s here.
the fresh scent of the laundry.
the feel of the broom hitting the floor.
the dust that rises in the ray of sunlight as you clean your home.
you forget to see the beauty in what simply is.
and so, what if you took a moment to be. to feel. to be with the ordinary. what would change in that moment when you let go of the story of being angry about folding yet another load.
what would be in that moment when you aren’t cursing silently about yet another dish?
simply what is.
the ordinary.
the beauty.
the isness that is life.
not the life that you are sold every time you look at your phone.
the real one you miss
the one that’s your home.
the ordinariness
it’s just this.
trust deeply all that you are, for you are absolutely perfect ♡